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Irish Hammer 5:13 Wed Feb 9
Pussy-Gate. An Update.

Kurt Zouma’s two cats have been taken into the care of the RSCPA, the animal welfare charity has confirmed, with the defender fined around £250,000 by West Ham United.

A video obtained by The Sun shows Zouma, 27, dropping the cat from chest-height, and kicking it as it lands. He then chases it around the living room, at one point throwing a pair of shoes at the cat, before slapping it in the face.

Zouma’s brother uploaded the footage to Snapchat on Sunday afternoon.

An RSPCA spokesperson said: “The two cats are now in RSPCA care. Our priority is and has always been the well-being of these cats.

“They’ve been taken for a check-up at a vets and then will remain in our care while the investigation continues.

“We’re grateful to everyone who expressed their concern for these cats. We were dealing with this issue before the video went viral online and are leading the investigation.

“We continue to investigate so we cannot comment further at this time.”

West Ham said the club “is supporting the RSPCA investigation” and that Zouma has “willingly complied with the steps taken in the initial stage of the process, including delivering his family's two cats to the RSPCA for assessment”.

The Premier League club added in their own statement: West Ham United can confirm that Kurt Zouma has been fined the maximum amount possible following his actions in the video that circulated. The player has immediately accepted the fine, which will be donated to animal welfare charities.

“West Ham United would like to reiterate our condemnation of Kurt's actions and make it clear that the matter continues to be handled with the utmost seriousness. However, we believe it is now important to allow the RSPCA to conduct their investigation in a fair and thorough manner, and will be making no further comment at this stage.”

A statement from Essex Police on Tuesday read: “We are aware of a video circulating on social media relating to an incident involving a cat which members of our communities may find distressing.

“We have recently been made aware that this incident may have taken place in Essex and we are liaising with the RSPCA and urgent enquiries are ongoing.”

West Ham were criticised on Monday after Zouma started the game against Watford on Monday night. West Ham won the game 1-0.

Moyes said: “I am really disappointed and the club have taken all the actions that they can do at the moment. They are working on that behind the scenes. My job is to pick the best team for West Ham and Kurt was part of that team.

“I am a big animal lover. As I said, my job is to try and win for West Ham and to put out the best team for that.

“I think the club would rather deal with it all in time and they will let you know what the action is.

“I was really disappointed with what I saw and what I was told. But as I've said, it was my job to find the best team for West Ham. There will be people who will be disappointed at that and I understand that totally.

“I am someone who cares a lot about my dogs and horses and all the people I am connected with. I have spoken to him and we will move on as much as we can. We wanted to get this game out of the way and we understand nobody will be pleased about it. It is a poor situation.”

Over 80,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Zouma to be prosecuted, while Experience Kissimmee, West Ham’s “official destination partner”, has said it “will be evaluating our relationship and sponsorship with the club” after the defender was selected for Tuesday’s match.

A post by Experience Kissimmee on Twitter said: “It was disheartening to learn that the player Kurt Zouma was part of the starting line in West Ham United's game. As we wait for further information from WHU, we will be evaluating our relationship and sponsorship with the club.”

After the video emerged, Zouma said: “I want to apologise for my actions. There are no excuses for my behaviour, which I sincerely regret. I also want to say how deeply sorry I am to anyone who was upset by the video.

“I would like to assure everyone that our two cats are perfectly fine and healthy. They are loved and cherished by our entire family, and this behaviour was an isolated incident that will not happen again.”

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

bell 1:32 Tue May 24
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Surely there should be some leniency for the fact that cats are useless horrible cunts?

lab 1:28 Tue May 24
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Will avoid jail by the skin of his WHISKAS

1964 1:22 Tue May 24
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Pleaded guilty

marty feldman 6:34 Mon May 23
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
A complete waste of public funds . Tiddles is probably missing his gourmet meals as well . Poor little sod cats lives matter .

1964 5:42 Mon May 23
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
"Maximum prison sentence for animal cruelty raised to five years"

Whoops! Better buy another CB!

Pub Bigot 5:39 Mon May 23
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Get a dog, they're great.

Swiss. 5:28 Mon May 23
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Will be sent back to France for Le Guillotine if found guilty.

Irish Hammer 3:22 Mon May 23
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Cats can be cunts though. Our beloved cat "Fluffy" decided to act the utter utter cunt the weekend and fucked himself off our 4th floor balcony down to the concrete ground below.

Panic ensues, vets, then Emergency out of hours Vet Hospital, scans and all sorts of medical shit gets done to him.

Am just back from vets again now.

Little fucker is perfectly fine, doesn't give a shit and my credit card is 1350 in the hole.

147man 3:04 Mon May 23
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Now charged (along with his brother) with Animal Cruelty offences

gph 12:26 Thu Mar 17
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
I don't care what the RSPCA do to them, so long as it's proportionate. They're deserving of some punishment.

Ending their careers is not proportionate.

pdcwhu 11:58 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
25 yrs to Life....

Eerie Descent 11:09 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
To be fair, he has been sensational ever since this came to light. Just got his head down and concentrated on football.

chim chim cha boo 9:40 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Be a cunt, take your medicine and move on.

Fuck this trial by social media bollocks. Fortunately, Zouma's brain is obviously in his boots like most pro footballers and this shit won't bother him too much, even when he gets the lawyers bill

stewie griffin 9:35 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Too sensible and factually accurate.

Please desist, and wave your arms around crying about the injustice of it all.

ChesterRd 9:26 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
The now ex teacher after her sacking was charged and appeared in court in January to enter a plea. Trial not yet taken place.

People are prosecuted for animal cruelty every day, Zouma is not being treated any differently to any other alleged animal abuser as far as the law is concerned.

Obviously the media attention is significantly more but that's hardly surprising. We had a PL footballer being splashed all over the papers the last few days for doing 58 in a 50 zone

arsene york-hunt 8:35 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
The RSPCA are fucking racists.

North Bank 8:26 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Does anyone know if the teacher who kicked and punched her horse or the trainer who hit his horse with a stick because it refused to go in the water have been charged?

ChesterRd 7:55 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
He would have known he was going to be prosecuted weeks ago. There was never going to be any other outcome considering the evidence.

Burnhammeronsea 7:30 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Do the bosses at the RSPCA have a leaning towards another London club? Am.I being paranoid ? The timing of this announcement is perfect just before our biggest game in years. Hope it doesn't affect him.

chim chim cha boo 7:03 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
I'm a cat lover and absolutely adored my two Bengals, Elvis and Ethel (the same breed as Kurt kicked).

They are virtually wild animals. Even the breeder that I got them from warned me that 'you can have Bengals or ornaments but you can't have both'. They seemed to delight in how much stuff they destroyed.

I loved them for their punk rock behaviour and it taught me forbearance. After all, they didn't ask to live in my cramped flat in Camden.

I'm quite ashamed of it but there were times (like the day Elvis jumped onto my brand new two grand telly ruining it) that I seriously wanted to chip the fucker over the bar.

I'm not supporting Zouma but if there is a hardier breed of domestic cat I have yet to see it.

Stevethehammer 7:01 Wed Mar 16
Re: Pussy-Gate. An Update.
Saudi Arabia execute 81 people and nothing is said, nothing will be said as Johnson is out there, cap in hand begging for oil.
Zouma kicks his own cat, gets fined, prosecuted etc and its breaking news. Amazing what mainstream media deem as newsworthy now.

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